I remember when Apoquel first hit the market. For dogs with chronic allergy dermatitis and uncontrollable itching, it was a godsend. And for one of my training clients, in particular, it was life-changing.
He was a brindle boxer with a spastic personality and a bag of health problems. Among his many ailments were chronic pruritus, atopic dermatitis, and frequent hot spots. He was a mess.
Apoquel changed everything. Within just a couple weeks, his skin looked less inflamed and the constant itching was noticeably reduced. But that wasn’t the only change I noticed. He also bloated up, lost his energy, and became a mere shadow of the dog he once was.
Unfortunately, his story is not unique.
So many dogs and their owners find themselves in a catch twenty-two with Apoquel. The medication works brilliantly to stop itching, but always at a cost. Whether it’s to your dog’s health or your wallet.
It’s these reasons that drive many desperate owners to consider alternatives to Apoquel. Unfortunately, it isn’t as easy as picking up a cheaper pill with fewer side effects. But the good news is, there are safe and effective alternatives out there.
In this article, we’ll look at the potential problems associated with Apoquel and discuss the effectiveness of alternate routes to cure your dog’s dermatitis, including natural remedies, possible Apoquel substitutes, and addressing the root cause of the issue.
Side Effects and Other Pitfalls of Apoquel
Apoquel isn’t a drug meant for acute dermatitis or short term use. It’s a drug vets turn to when the cause of their patient’s itching can’t be easily determined or has persisted through other treatment options. Once a dog is started on Apoquel, they are usually stuck on the drug for life.
Before you make such a monumental decision about your pup’s healthcare, it’s worth looking at the risks associated with this drug.
Known Side Effects
While vomiting and diarrhea are common with many meds, including Apoquel, this drug also comes with its own special list of worrisome side effects.
Apoquel works by disrupting kinase pathways within your dog’s immune system. While this leads to a reduction in skin irritation and itchiness, it also interferes with the immune system’s ability to complete other important tasks as effectively.
Just like immune-suppressing drugs used in humans, Apoquel is linked to an increased rate of infection in dogs. The most common infections are Demodex mange, ear infections, and pneumonia. It is because of the potential for serious infection that this drug cannot be used in dogs under a year of age who naturally have weaker immune systems.
In all dogs, there is also a potential for bone marrow suppression and reduced white blood cell count.
But kinase pathways aren’t just isolated within the immune system. They play a huge role throughout the body. That fact might explain why more surprising side effects like anorexia, lethargy, and increased cholesterol and blood lipase are often seen in dogs on Apoquel.
The Cancer Link
We often think of our immune system as being responsible for fighting invaders from the outside world, but our immune system also plays a key role in fighting cancer within our bodies. And your dog is no different.
By far, the most worrisome side effect of Apoquel is the potential to increase cancer rates.
The third listed side effect on the box explains that Apoquel may “exacerbate neoplastic conditions.” This means that in laboratory tests, this drug was found to make preexisting cancers worse. This shouldn’t come as a huge surprise given the way this drug functions. By disrupting the normal activity of the immune system, Apoquel reduces your dog’s ability to fight cancer cells.
While there is no evidence that Apoquel itself causes cancer cell growth, it’s not much of a leap to say that your dog is more likely to develop cancer on the drug than if they weren’t taking it. In fact, in one long term study, 5% of dogs on Apoquel were diagnosed with some form of cancer within 392 days of starting the drug.
This number is almost equal to the percent of dogs in most studies that experienced vomiting while on the drug, a side effect that is considered common with Apoquel.
Increased cancer rates may be an acceptable risk for a drug to prevent organ rejection, but it is up to you to decide if this risk is worth it to help your dog find relief from chronic itching.
Becoming Dependent
As disturbing as the side effects of Apoquel seem to be, the real threat of this drug in my mind is how addictive it is to your dog’s system.
Apoquel is not a drug meant for acute conditions, but instead for skin issues that have typically plagued a dog for a long time. For that reason, most dogs are prescribed this drug without any expectation that they’ll ever be taken off of it. It makes sense when you consider a dog like my former client, the brindle boxer. Here was a pooch that had been struggling with chronically itchy skin for years. And his owners finally had a treatment that worked, so why would they stop using it?
Unfortunately for them, the usefulness of the drug is actually what forced them to stop using it, at least briefly. Shortly after Apoquel hit the market, the demand for the drug overtook Zoetis’ ability to produce it. Thousands of dogs were forced off the drug cold turkey. I remember how ferociously the irritated, inflamed, and itchy skin returned for that poor boxer. It was as if his condition was worse than it had been before the medication.
It turns out that this wasn’t just a matter of perception, either.
Apoquel isn’t a cure for the underlying cause of atopic or allergic dermatitis. Instead, it is a bandaid that forces your dog’s immune system to compensate for the destruction it causes. And once the bandaid is removed, not only will the itch return, but your dog’s entire immune system can fall into chaos as the newly unimpeded kinase pathways attempt to reconcile with the restructured system.
If your dog’s dermatitis seems too unbearable now to attempt another form of treatment, take a moment to consider that it will likely be far worse after a few months or years on Apoquel.
It’s Pricey
While the potential for cancer growth and dependence are risks all owners should consider, it’s the price of Apoquel that often leads owners to hunt for an alternative.
Little has changed in the six years since this drug came on the market. It is still a revolutionary and unrivaled treatment for severe itching that you can get only with a prescription from your vet. And the price more than reflects Apoquel’s dominance over the market.
The go-to choice for allergic dermatitis used to be prednisone, a drug that costs on average 800% less than Apoquel. But when comparing the effectiveness of the two treatments, there’s generally no contest.
When owners realize they may be paying this inflated price for the rest of their dog’s life, they often ask: Is there a generic for Apoquel? The short answer is a resounding no. In fact, the patent doesn’t expire in the US until 2026, making it unlikely we’ll see anything to rival this drug in the near future.
Your options for Apoquel substitutes are therefore limited to the old standbys for allergy-induced itchiness.
Atopica was most vet’s go-to choice for atopic dermatitis before Apoquel came along. Unfortunately, the reason it was ditched in favor of the new drug was because it came with its own set of disturbing side effects, most even worse than what we are now seeing with Apoquel. The price also rivals Apoquel’s, making this drug a poor substitute all around.
Prednisone and other steroids are options that have long been used to treat itchy and inflamed skin. Unfortunately, these drugs have less of a desired effect than Apoquel and are not recommended for long term use.
When it comes to Apoquel versus Benadryl, chlorpheniramine and other antihistamines for dermatitis, there really is no contest. Antihistamines are considered to have little to no effect on itching in most dogs and are rarely recommended to treat allergic dermatitis. However, they are significantly safer to use than other drugs and might be worth a try for the desperate owner looking for a short term solution while they employ one of the Apoquel alternatives listed below.
5 Safer Apoquel Alternatives
1. Addressing Environmental Allergens
As I mentioned above, dermatitis is never a condition in and of itself, but always the symptom of a larger issue. Figuring out what that issue is and treating it rather than treating just the symptom is much more likely to lead down a path towards a cure for your dog’s itching.
And considering that 70% of canine skin conditions are allergy-related, addressing environmental allergens is a good place to start. Of dogs who do suffer from allergic dermatitis, around 90% of them are reacting to an allergy in the air or from surface contact. The most common allergens are dust mites, protein in flea saliva, and pollen.
If your dog only suffers from itchy skin in the spring and fall, then they probably have seasonal allergies caused by plant pollen. At least with this diagnosis, you have the option to use drug therapy sparingly. But remember, drugs like Apoquel often create dependence and are not easy to take your dog off of.
Instead of turning to drugs, there are other options available that can significantly reduce and even cure your dog’s underlying allergies.
Using high-powered air purifiers indoors, changing HVAC filters frequently, and reducing your dog’s contact with known allergens like grass, can help reduce symptoms significantly. But for dogs with highly sensitive skin, multiple allergies, or severe allergies, this might not be enough.
In this case, you may consider immunotherapy to potentially cure your dog’s allergies altogether.
Immunotherapy works the same way in dogs as it does in people. Tests are done to determine what your dog is allergic to. Then your dog is given a series of shots or oral drops over the course of days to weeks to slowly introduce the offending allergen to their system. Over time, the number of doses is decreased and the amount of allergen per dose is increased.
In about 70% of dogs, the immune system will become accustomed to the allergen and stop reacting to it, leading to a reduction or complete disappearance of dermatitis.
2. Changing Your Dog’s Diet
So what about the 10 to 15% of dogs who suffer from allergic dermatitis but aren’t reacting to environmental allergens? These dogs are most likely allergic to something in their diet.
While true food allergies are relatively rare, food sensitivities and intolerances are far more common and can also lead to red and itchy skin in dogs. If you believe your dog’s dermatitis is caused by something in their food, your best option to find relief is an elimination diet.
In an elimination diet, you will remove all possible allergens from your dog’s diet and then slowly reintroduce foods one at a time after symptoms have resolved. So how do you determine what the possible allergens or intolerances are? Easy, any food ingredient your dog has been exposed to in the last couple of years is a potential allergen.
The most common dog allergies, in order, are beef, dairy, chicken, wheat, soy, lamb, corn, and eggs. But your dog can become allergic to any food they have previously been exposed to.
Look at the ingredients label on your dog’s food bag. Write down every whole food ingredient you see. While it is possible for a dog to be allergic to synthetic vitamins, preservatives, and other minor ingredients, it is less likely. Add to that list any foods your dog has gotten as a treat, licked up off the floor, and flavors included in their medications or supplements.
This is your list of foods your dogs cannot have for the next few months. Your challenge now is to find a dog food that does not contain ANY of these ingredients. I would recommend looking for a limited ingredient diet that contains only one protein and one starch. If your list includes multiple common proteins and veggies, you may have to hunt for a food with less common ingredients like venison and sweet potato or rabbit and oatmeal.
Slowly switch your dog from their original food to the new food over the course of a few days. Once they are completely on the new food, restrict your dog’s diet (treats included) to only items NOT listed on the potential allergens list you created.
You will need to continue this restricted diet until your dog’s symptoms clear. For skin allergies, that often means waiting two to three months. If your dog’s symptoms don’t improve in this time, try a diet with different ingredients. If there is still no improvement, it is unlikely you are dealing with a food allergy or sensitivity.
Once symptoms have cleared, then you can choose one food from the restricted list to add back in. Feed only this modified diet for at least a month or two. If symptoms return, you know your dog is allergic to that reintroduced food. Remove the food from their diet completely, wait for symptoms to resolve, then try another food from the list. Ideally, after multiple trials, you will be able to find a complete and balanced diet with multiple proteins and starches that your dog can eat without showing any symptoms of allergic dermatitis.
Even if your dog doesn’t suffer from allergies or intolerances, food may be to blame. Poor quality diets can lead to a dry, brittle coat, and itchy skin. If your dog is on a less than optimal diet, try changing their food to one that contains multiple quality named animal ingredients at the beginning of the list, no filler ingredients like corn or soy, and no synthetic dyes or preservatives. Look for a food that has at least 25% protein and is high in healthy fats as well.
Often, this change alone can make a huge difference in the health of your dog’s skin and coat.
3. Ruling Out Infections and Parasites
The first step in your dog’s itchy skin journey probably included a battery of tests to rule out parasites like fleas, mites, and other skin infections. (If it didn’t, this is definitely something you should do now.) But often, these tests miss common causes of dermatitis.
Flea allergies are most common in dogs who only rarely have fleas, and it only takes one bite to set off a week’s worth of itching misery. This minor or intermittent degree of infestation can be easily missed in the vet’s office and should not be ruled out just because flea dirt isn’t visible.
Even mange can be misdiagnosed. Some mites live so deep within the dermal layer that they aren’t readily detected through normal skin scrapings and may take repeat tests to diagnose. If your dog has other symptoms of mange, but your original test was negative, you may want to talk to your vet about additional tests.
Some dogs, especially those with thyroid problems and other environmental allergies, can even be allergic to the staph bacteria. This microbial is present on most surfaces, including a healthy animal’s skin.
This and many other infections that cause allergic reactions can only be determined through blood tests that detect antibodies. This may be a worthwhile step to pursue for your dog if there is a possibility their allergic dermatitis is caused by an environmental or contact allergen or infection.
Sometimes vets will put a dog on a course of antibiotics to rule out bacterial-induced dermatitis. While this can be a helpful diagnostic tool, keep in mind that some infections take multiple rounds of antibiotics to knock out and that yeast infections, often made worse by antibiotics, can also cause itchy skin.
The most important thing to remember here is to work with your vet and exhaust your options before ruling out an infection, parasitic or otherwise, as a cause of your dog’s itchy skin. You may even consider taking your dog to a specialized holistic-minded veterinary dermatologist.
4. Supplements
Just as switching your dog to a higher quality food can help fight itchy skin, so can some supplements.
Fish oil is one of the first supplements that comes up when talking about itchy skin. That’s because this oil is full of omega fatty acids. Omegas are key to your dog’s skin and overall health and can be especially effective in relieving itch. In fact, about 20% of dogs with dermatitis show reduced itching with the use of an omega supplement alone. Since these fatty acids are a healthy addition to any dog’s routine, there really is no downside to giving them a shot.
Digestive enzyme and probiotic blends made specifically for dogs can also be helpful in relieving the itch, especially if your dog suffers from an unknown food sensitivity or intolerance.
Enzymes help break down specific foods in your dog’s stomach. If your dog lacks a certain enzyme or does not produce enough on their own, that food can move through the system undigested and cause unnecessary immune response or nutrition deficits that in turn cause itchy skin.
Similarly, probiotic organisms help break down particles in the gut that your dog is unable to digest themselves. Healthy intestinal flora is key in helping your dog absorb needed nutrients, including many that are important for skin and coat health.
Yucca and quercetin are also great natural alternatives to Apoquel. Yucca has an effect similar to steroid drugs without the harmful side effects. Quercetin is a plant derivative that acts as a natural antihistamine and is a great option for dogs whose itching is reduced by Benadryl.
5. Topical Remedies
There are a number of topical balms and ointments marketed to dogs with itchy skin. Many owners find these products useful, especially for flare-ups and treatments for hot spots.
But you don’t have to spend a fortune on pre-made remedies to find relief for your pup’s itchy skin. Many common items, maybe even some in your pantry right now, can be used to tame your dog’s itchy skin.
Coconut oil is a natural skin soother with antibacterial and healing properties. It can be applied directly to the skin as is or mixed with a little lavender or peppermint essential oil for a truly relieving skin treatment.
Green tea, chamomile tea, baking soda, oatmeal, and apple cider vinegar are all natural anti-inflammatory products that can be mixed with water for a therapeutic soak. While it may take some work to get your dog to stay still long enough to reap the benefits, they’ll likely thank you for that tough love once they feel the relief.
Cure the Cause, Not the Symptom
While supplements and topical remedies are excellent options for soothing your dog’s itchy skin, keep in mind that they will not cure the underlying cause.
If you ever want your dog to live a life free from painfully itchy skin, and free from costly and sometimes dangerous medications like Apoquel, you have to figure out why the symptom exists in the first place.
My training client, the boxer, spent the first couple years of his life battling itchy, inflamed skin. Then the next half-decade fighting the side-effects of Apoquel and other drugs. What he needed was not a miracle cure for his dermatitis, but a diagnosis for what was causing the symptoms in the first place.
Whether you choose to use Apoquel, another drug, or a natural remedy to deal with your dog’s itching while you search for the underlying illness or allergy, just make sure you never stop searching. Not until the itching is gone for good.
Sally B. Cosgrove, et al. “Long‐term compassionate use of oclacitinib in dogs with atopic and allergic skin disease: safety, efficacy and quality of life”wiley.com, 16 February 2015.
Various. “Apoquel”drugs.com.
Karen A. Moriello. “Itching (Pruritus) in Dogs” merckvetmanual.com.
Various. “Canine Allergic Dermatitis: Causes and Treatment Options”animalmedcenter.com.
Ralf S. Mueller, et al. “Critically appraised topic on adverse food reactions of companion animals (2): common food allergen sources in dogs and cats”bmcvetres.biomedcentral.com, 12 January 2016.
Various. “Allergy Shots May Bring Relief to Itchy Dogs”vetmed.illinois.edu, 27 November 2017.
Cynthia Foley. “Will Your Allergic Dog Benefit From a Food Elimination Diet?”wholedogjournal.com, 12 February 2015, Updated: 21 March 2019
Various. “Natural Supplements for Dogs With Itchy Skin.” petmd.com.
Sara Seitz worked in the pet industry for over a decade. In addition to being a certified dog trainer, Sara gained experience working as the general manager of a dog daycare and boarding facility, as the creator and manager of a pet sitting company, as a groomer, and as a dog behavior evaluator. She also has a bachelors in animal behavior from CSU. Currently, Sara works as a freelance writer specializing in blog, article and content writing.
Thank you so much for this information on not only alternatives to Apoquel, but for explaining the side effects. My vet only mentioned this medicine could cause problems with their white cell count but did not mention anything else. Apoquel did seem to be a miracle drug for my dog who is an Aussie/Hound (fox/coon/beagle) mix. She was a rescue and they only knew her mother was an Australian Shepherd but she looks more like a Fox hound and has very short hair with an undercoat. She sheds horribly half the year but she itches horribly all the time. Our vet said when the first frost comes her allergies should disappear (we live in Minnesota and have 30 degrees or less from November to Mid-April) but we are now at the end of December and the itching is the same. We tried Apoquel for one month and it worked like a miracle. But at a cost of $100.00 per month we prayed for winter to come quickly. When the cold weather came we stopped the Apoquel and the itching resumed. We have tried the steroids which did nothing but make her need to pee more, and she has put on weight, we have her on a very good simple ingredient dog food that comes from our pet store and highly recommended, we bathe her in a vet-created shampoo with lidocaine, we spray her with a witch hazel solution specifically for dogs, we soak her in water and baking soda, but even now she is outside dragging her belly and rubbing her nose is the snow to get some relief. It is so sad. She looks at me with “why am I so miserable ?” eyes. I will try the fish oil and coconut oil you recommended and will consider the immunotherapy to see if we can determine what the source of her misery is. We faithfully give her the flea and tick medicine that we get from our vet and it is far too cold for fleas and ticks where we live much of the year. Your article has at least given me the hope that there is something out there that can help. Even if I could afford Apoquel I am not willing to put her at risk for the side effects associated with it.
Thank you for sharing your story with us and for reading our articles. We are glad we could help you with your troubles and commend you for trying to find better solutions for your dog’s health issues than just medications. All medications, including flea and tick, medicated shampoos, compromise your dog’s immune system and make her more succeptible to different health conditions in the long run. Raw food diet and bathing her using the most simple, natural shampoo/soap could probably be the most important changes you could make to help her feel better. Hope this helps and you find the right solution for both of you.
Hi good morning I have chow chow 4 month puppy he have pimple on belly and front legs what Medicane you suggest thanks
I had a dog (I lost her last year ;(. ). but when she was a little younger she developed an ear infection that went on and on for over a year. The Vet did a culture and it came back saying the bacteria was only reactive to one medication, and that was the med we had already been using for over a year. He said he was going to prescribe a medicine to help with the itching. (Period) Meaning that is ALL he told me about the medicine. I went to check out and the bill was a huge shock to say the least. The prescription was over $100.00. I went home and looked up the medicine (Apoquel) and my heart dropped. After thinking it over I decided to withhold the medicine, I knew that they wouldn’t refund anything because of laws prohibiting it. I ended up donating it back to the Vet’s office for someone who wasn’t afraid to use it. To go off subject a little bit, I did end up clearing the ear infection with an otc medication(Zymox).
Sorry, I got off on a story and forgot to ask what I meant to. In the lead-in, it mentioned yucca. Now I read the article and I did not see mention of yucca, what does yucca do for dogs? Thank you, I did enjoy the article by the way.
What are your thoughts on
CBD for allergies?
I have a xl bully tri color(grey). I have paid up to 2k with vet. My dog has severe indigtal cyst, apoquel has been horrible for him. I have him on 3 different antibiotics. He now has like these bumps all over and almost like mange on his elbows. He can barely walk. His paws so swollen underneath, almost like blisters. I soak him paws with apple cider vinegar and or Epsom salt. Need suggestions please. He has baby. Thanks in advance
Thanks for all the good advice you have given us many great suggestions now we have to try them.
Thank you for this article. We are the proud owners of a wonderful nearly 3 year old black Lab. Last year we had an infestation of gypsy moth caterpillars and his issues started then. I also am allergic to these invasive insects. It’s like a poison I’ve rash that last as long as the caterpillars are present. This year we had a plane spray BTK. The insects were controlled but you can never get them all. Our boy was doing the mad itchy dance so of course off to the vet he goes. A round of antibiotics and another prescription for the itch. It cleared up but as soon as it was stopped it would start back up. Back we go and this time it’s apoquel. After 6-7 weeks he’s still itchy but not as bad. I however have been very uncomfortable giving this drug to him long term and also the cost we have stopped giving it to him and have instead added omega 3 supplements to his diet and I also spray him with Burts Bees dog itch spray. It seems to be helping but it’s only a couple of days into it. We’ve changed his diet over the last few weeks also. I will be trying your other helpful treatments. A friends Boxer was on apoquel and nearly lots his paw from an infection. He stopped treatment of this drug and his symptoms have cleared u. The paw was saved. Once again thanks.
Them flee and tick meds are worse than Apaquel They have same pesticides they spray cornfields with my dog tried them all we t crazy from them research them took my Yorkie off Apaquel last week it stopped working after 8 years now going threw hell with my dog 20 000 in vet bills from low blood counts and infections at my wits end now they want immunotherapy how much more money he’s not getting better o love him so but don’t want him suffering any more
We too have a rescue, Chihuahua mix that suffers from awful itching and we too live in Minnesota. We have had him four years and have been changing food, took Apoquel for about a year, now on cytopoint shots which last about 4 weeks before he needs another. Thank you for sharing and I’m going to try natural alternatives for relief
Hello, we have a 7 year old black lab & 14 year old mini daschaund. We live in central Iowa. We have had to use apoquel every fall for at least 5 years. I had never looked into alternatives or the side effectsof apoquel. The vet finally gave me the option of ctyopoint. I couldn’t tell if it was better or worse than apoquel. How did the cytopoint work for your pup?
Cytopoint is made by the same company. Please read the drug insert so that you can make an informed decision for your dog. Here is a good article we have on that drug as well.
We tried the nearly $200 Cytopoint (after trying many alternatives like many of those mentioned in this article for two years). Nothing, including the Cytopoint, did anything to relieve my dog’s symptoms. Cytopoint did not work for my vet tech’s dog either. We were in a vicious circle of Prednisone to stop the itching/inflammation, but she bit her paws until they were raw as soon as she was off of it which, in turn, brought on infection (needing antibiotics) AND yeast infection (needing a human yeast med for 1-2 months at a time).
I, too, was concerned about Apoquel. But in all honesty, I decided that quality of life is just as important as quantity of life. I rescued my pit mix 2 years ago, and it was truly a living hell until we started Apoquel about 2 months ago. We are BOTH now much happier. For our situation, the $100/month is still working out to be less than the vet visit/prednisone/antibiotic/yeast med every 4-6 weeks. One go-round would no sooner clear up and we were right back, doing the same thing nonstop.
Within 1-2 days (regular dose, not even the double starting dose), she was a completely new dog. Happy, zero itching or foot biting. While I’d have preferred that any of the numerous natural alternatives worked, they just did not for us.
Do not put him back on Apaquel 8 years now for my dog stopped working last week now he’s had special baths and spray and on PREDIZONE now still itching wakes up every 20 .min we’re at sitts end 20 000 vet bills from infections blood tests meds 9 years now
Hi Melida what brand of food are you now giving your pup? My pup is miserable and between Apoquel and Cytopoint they no longer work. Now I realize why my dog’s white blood cells are always higher than normal. I’ve changed his food so many times. All these meds just make him gain a lot of weight.
My dog will not take fish oil and coconut oil doesn’t help.
Yucca…is it safe for dogs. And what would the dosage be for 60 lb
I tried the fish oil and she took it for two days and she started with loose bowels. She weighs 15 lbs. How much should I give her
Loose stools are a very common side effect of fish oil supplementation, so don’t be too worried. It just means you’re probably giving a little too much too fast. To prevent it you just have to give a smaller dose., and give it right after they’re done eating when they’re belly is full of food so it won’t cause any upset. They recommend starting SLOW, in other words give half a dose for the first couple weeks(to allow their system to get used to it).
Start by giving HALF of what the recommended daily dose says for your size dog-
(You can buy a bottle of Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil at just about every pet store- it’s safe, has many skin &immune system health benefits& is very good to give to both dogs and cats! It comes in pure liquid form in a small plastic bottle usually, so make sure you also pick up a plastic medicine dosing SYRINGE (they don’t have a needle on the end just an open hole). That way you can easily administer the dose straight into the side of your pups mouth in case they don’t care for it. (My dog absolutely LOVES it, but not mixed into his food! He only wants to lick it up out of his bowl on its own once he’s finished eating! I believe this is also probably the case for many other dogs because it’s a very strong taste& odor it overtakes the taste of their food & is too much. But it’s also almost a pure fat so it tastes very yummy, but a lot of dogs &cats don’t know that until you put it into their mouth for them. Meaning the odor is so strong to them a lot of times they’re not sure about it/ afraid to try it on their own, so they walk away from it. That’s when the syringe comes in very handy. You can buy ‘em at a lot of pet stores OR you can go to any pharmacy & get one. Sometimes the pharmacist will even be able to give you one for free! You just tell them you picked up a liquid medicine script from there the day before but you can’t figure the easiest way to administer it to the baby- Then ask if they have any tips or tricks- that’s when they’ll either give you a syringe for free from behind the counter because they happen to be a pharmacy that gives em out along side all liquid scripts for babies OR if they don’t give ‘em out free at that Pharmacy then they’ll show you where the ones for sale are, which aren’t more than $3-6 anyway.
Keep in mind though that some are disposable ones that are supposedly made for using only a couple times, and others are better quality and made for using many multiple times. I’ve found though that with both kinds the plastic begins to shrink or tighten after a while, making it difficult to pull and push the plunger-just dip the tip of the plunger in the oil and it’ll slide much easier after.
Anyway, take half the recommended size dose and divide that into two separate doses- give one in the a.m. and one in p.m. Do that for a week or two and then try 3/4 of the recommended dose for a week (there again divided into two separate doses-And even once you finally get up the the regular recommendation of dose, it’s good to continue dividing it into two separate ones everyday. Generally though no matter what just remember your supplementing with fish oil because your dogs not eating enough fresh wild salmon or other fishes on a regular basis. In other words don’t get carried away with worrying about giving an exact amount EVERY single day or whatever. Just remember its important to incorporate the healthy oil/ or other food sources of omega 3 into your dogs diet on a regular basis-
I know pure and Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil is very good.(make sure it’s WILD otherwise it’s taken from farmed Salmon which don’t have anywhere near the same Omega 3 content)
We have discovered our border Collie/ blue heeler mix is allergic to two brands of flea and tick meds one a collar and one type to put on skin. Stopped them and itching subsided. Vet never understood our choice between scratching/ itching and no sleep all night and day or no flea and tick prevention? Using Apoquel to get through rough times and calm down.
If you don’t mind me asking how do you mix the fish oil and coconut oil to put on the fur babies? I’m in desperate need of what else to do for my itchy baby girl, thanks in advance
My dog rubs her nose against the wall all the time and she’s always biting her paws but during the day she doesn’t do it it’s at night and I stopped the apoquel because I can’t afford it and we have been giving her Claritin 10 mg I don’t know what else to do
I am looking for a less expensive alternative to apoquel can you help me Thank You in advance I need it too work also
Thank you for your comment. Did you give a try to any of the suggested alternatives in the article? Perhaps #1 thing to try would be changing the diet, because most of the health issues come from within and food can be the major contributor to either health or sickness. Best of luck!
For anyone whose dog is taking apoquel if you can get your Vet to give you a prescription you can purchase it at
Walmart. If that doesn’t work you can also get it from Canada at half the price you were probably paying.
Hope this is helpful for all of us on fixed incomes.
I make my own dog food because of the itching. I,too, did not know the side effects of apoquel. It was working for a while but I’m not convinced it is a miracle drug. I am still using it. Just started about two weeks ago. The itching was driving me crazy and the dog had to be miserable. Will keep on trying to find the solution.
Hi There,
I live in Canada & the vet has prescribed Apoquel for my Dog ! Hopefully I can get him off of it soon … My question is … Can You Plz provide more details about getting this drug at a cheaper price in Canada ? As far as I know, it’s incredibly expensive here too … 15 pills (5.4 mg) cost me around $60 … 🙄
Thx 😊 Lynda
Hi Lynda, You won’t be able ot get this drug cheaper anywhere. It’s made (& patented) by Zoetis, Who are a huge drug company in the field of animal medicine. Also because it’s a prescription drug you can’y just buy it online. You’ll need a prescription from your vet. I’m in Ireland & our dog has just been prescribed it. Apart from the non drug alternatives there’s not much option I’m afraid
I just purchased Apoquel as my GSD is going through allergy desensitization in hopes of ending the allergies. (Grass, dust, dust mites and cats) he’s also allergic to most proteins. The Apoquel was $2.97 a pill with taxes in British Columbia.
There’s an online Canadian drug mart where it’s $2.26 per pill Canadian.
I will try the Yucca as he’s been on mostly vegetarian diet, he loves veggies. Hopefully it works and we can drop the Apoquel. Thanks for the detailed article.
Hi There,
I live in Canada & the vet has prescribed Apoquel for my Dog ! Hopefully I can get him off of it soon … My question is … Can You Plz provide more details about getting this drug at a cheaper price in Canada ? As far as I know, it’s incredibly expensive here too … 15 pills (5.4 mg) cost me around $60 … 🙄
Thx 😊 Lynda
I usually purchase it from online from https://www.petsdrugmart.ca/
They initially require a signed hard copy prescription from your vet but you can mail it in yourself. Afterwards, you can just purchase it directly from them and they send a requisition to your vet to confirm that you were prescribed it again. My vet just approves it. I get 300 pills at a time. I’ve been getting it since end of 2017 at around $1.74 CA per 16mg pill but the price has gone since then to $2.11 CA per pill. 10 cent increase each year probably because the patent is going to be expiring soon and they want to make as much before a generic hits the market. This is literally half the price my vet was charging. So, it was a no-brainer. I wish I didn’t have to use it but my dog is literally allergic to everything in this world. I tried a lot of the recommendations but nothing worked. My dog had no fur but this drug worked magically. The one side effect that my dog does have is ear infections. He has around 1 every 6 to 10 months but as long as I am proactive in recognizing and treating them it only lasts 2/3 days. If there was a healthy alternative I’d jump on it but it is what it is but if I can help someone money from a drug company, I will 😀
Appquel is very pricey in Canada- it’s almost $200 for 30 days worth of pills!
Try a pro-biotic or get a generic brand of the medication at a third of the price!
The major drug company who sells drug has a patent till 2026 so there will be no generic till at least then the only super alternative would be Canada and or to ask higher milligram pill u could cut into 4 equal parts. So u can get 4 doses out of one pill. It’s way more cost effective.
I get Apoquel at Costco, 30 day supply for $37.
Do you live in the USA?
I purchase 16mg Apoquel from Chewy.com I get 31 for the month and it’s under $70.00, free shipping for $49.00 and over.
That’s a much better price than I paid yesterday. I got 22 pills of 16mg for $78.00. I have got it in the past but when it’s been a check up with shots, etc and never bothered to look at the price on the paperwork. After reading this article and realizing also what I paid, I am going to rethink what to do to relieve my pups symptoms. This was super informative and I only went looking because of the price. Was so hoping there was another option like Benadryl. Also, I wondered why he got more relaxed and tired. I’m thinking now it was a side effect and not just relief from itching. I will also try the fish oil. I hope you all find something to relieve the awful symptoms your furry family has.
Thank you very much my dog was on a lot of medications and I really didn’t know what to do and the vet offered to give him the apoquel but didn’t tell me about the side effects. I was already a little nervous about him taking it however with your article I feel much better on finding alternate sources.
Thank you for reading and for letting us know it was a helpful article! We are so glad we could help you make an informed decision for your dog. Stay well!
What food does everyone use to help prevent the itchy red skin and flare ups.? Thanks
Hi Ashley,
The best way to go is to feed quality raw food for dogs, especially if they are known to have allergies. Please read our article all about raw feeding here: https://blog.ultimatedog.com/raw-food-for-dogs-recipes-and-more/
Hope this helps!
I was thinking along those lines as well. My Rosy is very fussy but she finally decided she liked the expensive raw freeze dried True Dog brand. I bought it because she’s so itchy and has been on Apoquel multiple times. I am seeing the mangey side effects on her ears so I’m not happy. I’m going to try coconut oil supplement topically and apple cider vinegar in her water but not so much that she won’t drink her water..
Wish us luck.
Stacie and Rosy
I tried the apple cider in the water and my gsd stopped drinking water unless shes dying of thirst…..I’m thinking of trying the acv pills they have now….
The article did not suggest to add apple cider vinegar to your dog’s drinking water, it suggested to mix it with water and apply it on the skin as a topical treatment.
I have a 4 year old Boston with severe allergies. I know grain free foods are bad for him but I have to feed him grain free. He eats The Honest Kitchen grain free dehydrated food it is pricey but the ingredients are wonderful.
I have a 12 year old boxer golden retriever mix. He’s always had skin allergies but this year it’s worse. He began with hairless patches last year. This year he’s had 2 earn operations to drain fluid, trying to stop his ear skin from filling with puss. Not to relay our lengthy trials to find a fix, our Vet now says only Apoquel 16mg 1-1/2 daily forever will help. His mother suffered through 2 cancer ops and we lost her anyway. Seeing the link to cancer in use of apoquel, I don’t want to use it. What food and shampoo and supplements do you suggest? I want to try a healthier option. I need a little direction so I can help him naturally.
I use fresh deer meat or kangaroo dry dog food for my dog. She’s allergic to everything so I started her kangaroo dry food or salmon and sweet potato dry food, deer meat when I can get my brother to get me some.
Our dog has seasonal itching/allergies. Our vet thinks it’s because of our wood stove and the dry heat. He suggested Apoquel for the winter months. I didn’t realize she could be dependent on it. Thank you
You’re so welcome, Wendy! We are happy we could help you make an informed decision for your dog. Thank you for reading our posts!
I have a 2 1/2 year old Boxer and she’s been on Apoquel over a year. I’ve taken her off 2 times but the paw chewing returned. After reading all the comments here I’m going to try taking her off again. I’ve done the food trial but I’m going to go there again and try Acana duck and potato. My vets have said in the past You can just stop the Apoquel cold turkey and I have … what are your thoughts on that.
I’m trying to keep my terrier mix off Apoquel. Chronic use becomes expensive and when I looked further into it, it lists mange as a side effect. Now that seems really counter intuitive.
I changed her diet to TruDog freeze dried raw turkey or beef. That has helped her a little. She’s a very fussy eater. She has grown to like this high quality not inexpensive food.
I also supplement her with probiotics , omega 3 fatty acids, CoQ10 and other good stuff in a chew. She thinks it’s a treat. I also rub pure coconut oil on her itchy spots topically.
She’s feeling more comfortable without the pill.
Hi Stacy.. I have a standard size yorkie with Allergies. His vet also prescribed apoquel . If you don’t mind my asking what is the brand and name of the chew you give your pup?
So, do you stop the Apoquel cold turkey or must they be weaned off of it, if we were to try a new diet and yucca supplement? My 13.5 yr old GSD had a very serious skin infection in Sept 2019 and it has since cleared w diet change and Apoquel. I tried stopping Apoquel and using skin/allergy supplements but the itchy red skin came back quick. I’m now using a Salmon kibble, Missing Link supplement for skin, and Apoquel.
Can you recommend any raw foods available at pet stores?
Outstanding article and really appreciate the information on alternatives for what was the first dog drug (Apoquel for 2 weeks) we have used for our Itchy girl who has been suffering for many years. Sadie we believe is alergic to dust mites as this is not seasonal and has only hot spots on her feet. She does have chronic ear issues. We believe her diet is fine and no signs after eating or in stools of any issues. her coat seems to be fine as well. I am going to try the Quercetine and Yucca and bump the Fish oil up abit.
Thanks again- Bob
My friend’s sheltie had bad skin allergies. After trying meds like steroids, he cleaned his entire home, washing walls, drapes, everything. Bought expensive HEPA vacuum. The dog did better and friend was feeling better too! Also might be good to keep bedroom super clean and filtered and have dog there at night. That gives their system a chance to rest.
I’m totally surprised and a little shocked that no one mentioned Cytopoint. I couldn’t find a date on the article so not sure if cytopoint was available when it was written or not. It was approved by USDA to treat allergic or atopic dermatitis in dogs sometime around September 2018 I believe.
Cytopoint is a biological medication not a chemical that works like a dogs own immune system to block the main protein that sends signals that trigger allergic itch. On average it lasts between 4 to 8 weeks and I’ve found it to be way less costly then the dreaded Apoquel. It has worked wonders for my three year old white Boxer, Isabelle. I was so happy to be rid of Apoquel for forever! I have found that there still seems to be a lot of people who don’t know about it and I have no idea why. Apoquel and Cytopoint are both made by the same company, Zoetis.
I spend $94 every 6 to 8 weeks for a 55lb dog. Dosage amount is based upon dogs weight so the price increases the more a dog weighs. For me overall Cytopoint is the way to go compared to Apoquel in cost and side effect risks. Check it out and hope this info helps someone. http://www.cytopoint4dogs.com
Thank you for bringing our attention to Cytopoint. After doing more research and digging deeper, we’ve found that the new wonder drug is not so wonderful after all. Please read more here: IS CYTOPOINT SAFE FOR DOGS? CLINICAL TRIAL, VETERINARY PRACTICE, AND DOG OWNERS’ EXPERIENCES
My dog used to get cadi injections which now are cytopoint . But 7 days after gets hives and goes to ER because they are so severe . Although the itching stops . Now I am unable to give her that and need an alternative
My cockatoo has itchy ears & before apoquel inflamed .Its very pricey & I was not aware of the side effects , can you suggest an alternative that would help her ears .
Thank you soooooo much for getting this information out there to inform people like me about the horrible risk of giving your dog (or cat) this drug. I’ve always followed my vet’s instructions without question until I started doing research of my own after my dog died of cancer at 6 y/o. Your information and the few others that are successful in getting their messages out saved my cat so much suffering. After being on Apoquel for a couple months I read about it’s horror’s. Started on elimination diet and eventual LID. She is wonderful today with just the occasional irritation every month or so that passes within a day or so and is much less extreme. I suspect it’s after she found a treat on the floor! Such a relief to know that her immune system is not being harmed and she is feeling better.
You have given my cat, Bean, a better life. I will spread the word! Keep it up and thank you so very much for your work.
From Karen @ schindler460@gmail.com, Read your review I want to discontinue my 6 lb chihuahua off apoquel. and replace with omega supplements and the coconut oil. how did you stop the apoquel. I have put him back on grain free food , please feel free to e-mail me .thank you!
After reading all the side effects and the rising price of Apoquel. Is it safe to discontinue it and use salmon omega supplements? Changed diet to Grain free salmon,sweet potato, and pea kibble. My chihuahua weighs 6 lbs
Sweet potatoes and regular potatoes should also be avoided
Any suggestions for my 7 yr old rescue dog…very itchy skin, and now warts..3rd one. On a good diet now but still itchy and worried about warts. Thanks
My 9 year old shiz tzu has been on Apolquel for several years. She was allergy tested and found to have a great many food allergies. Therefore I make her food, which consists of vegetables she is not allergic to and about a tablespoon of meat, such as salmon, which are not on her allergic list, and a special kibble. She gets Salmon oil and coconut oil in her food as well. I checked out Raw food and found all of it had combinations that included items she cannot have. Since she continued to itch on this diet it was believed she also had environmental allergies and was put on the apoquel, which has greatly helped the itching.
Recently she was diagnosed with “early dementia”. After learning that some allergy meds can cause dementia I am concerned that this was caused by the apoquel. I wonder if anyone else has experienced this. I decreased the apoquel to every other day without a return of itch symptoms. I am wondering about discontinuing it altogether.
My pug is sometimes itchy. For the past 3 or so years she has been losing her hair symmetrical alopecia. I have talked to vet a few times about it. Was recommended Apoquel. Tried for a couple months. Too expensive. Tried making her food. Some improvement skin went from black to pink but still slow continual hair loss under belly and legs and thinner over all coat that doesn’t grow back. She gets cold easily now. I have tried bathing her a bit more now too to help rule out possible environmental allergies. Frustrated.
Has your pug been tested for hypothyroidism? Hair loss and cold intolerance can be signs. How about constipation? Overall lethargy or weight gain?
before the vet put your dog on apoquel did they run any tests? there are basically 5 reasons dog itch profusely. You need to give more information as to what is happening. Fungal overgrowth creates itching and hair loss, demodectic mites can also be a reason. A good vet can help but ……. if they cure the problem too fast how will they pay the bills.
I would dump the kibble and just home cook.
You mention Yucca and Quercetin but don’t give recommended dosages?
I’ve learned a great deal from the commentary and appreciate the robust discussion on controlling pet allergies, thank you. My pet (terrier mix) is a rescue dog, We’re not sure of her age but estimate she’s around seven years old. . She has been on Apoquel for a long time, I’m weaning her off the Apoquel and giving her Zyrtec during and benedryl at night. I’ve also switched to Farmer’s Dog food which I believe is helping. We bath her with Johnson’s No More Tears baby shampoo, I brush her a couple of times a day and give her an ear wash (a mixture of boric acid powder, Genetian Violet drops and Isopropyl alcohol) when she starts scratching. There is definite improvement, Farmers Dog has been very responsive in working with me on her diet, her coat looks much better and her eyes are clear. I’m going to introduce fish oil into her diet and will continue to monitor her progress. The zrytec works much faster and seems to last throughout the morning and afternoon. She’s more engaged and alert and not sleeping as much during the day. Finding what works for your dog is a process, it’s trial and error. I hope some of my ideas might be of benefit.
Thank you Gretchen your comments were very timely for me and my 2 year old GSD!!. Also, thanking the people who started this site. The suggestions and comments from all are so helpful!!
I have just ordered Dr. Dodd’s food test for Ina. It is expensive but came highly recommended by my wholistic vet. I did not know the extent of issues with apoquel. She has been on it for a year. The Dr. Dodd’s test center recommended Zrytec through the 2 week process while removing her from apoquel. in order to successfully take their food test; the wholistic Vet gave me an Okay to do it. I’m coming back to this site on a regular basis several options. are noted that I have not yet tried I will be discussing them with this vet -also I send notes to my regular vet. Ina (my GSD) also has had the mange connection with the test coming back positive for sarcoptic mange ( humans and sometimes other pets can contract this- I did not and neither did my cat now I wonder if the dog really had it?). The wholistic Vet just explained to me that the mange test can show up positive when dust mites are known as sensitive to the dog. She has been treated previously with Revolution for heartworm also used for mange treatment. I can’t wait to get her off everything! Thank you to everyone who contributed now and in the future to this site. I feel optimistic that we may finally be on the way to figuring this out! I also feed raw and cook the remainder of her food. I use no kibble as she tested high for storage mites as well. Thanks to all!
Hi Gretchen . Your story sounds so much like my dogs. He is a 5 year old golden Golden Retriever mix . He had been severely abused when he came to me. Critical low thyroid. After addressing the thyroid and parasites, his itching began . So sad!! Let Viking his feet non stop . I’ve had him on so many foods , high grade , no chicken no grain . Etc… my vet started him on apoquel a month ago . He’s finally relaxed and not itching . I don’t want this to be a long term thing . He is a very picky eater ☹️. I am willing to try and would prefer a holistic approach . I’ve run out of options .. I’m wondering if the zertec will help .
Heaven help all of us !!
Zyrtec.🤔 what dose and is this daily.! I’m trying to find a solution to my dogs allergies.! I’m scared of the cancer even though some say it’s been given to their pets for years
I have two golden retrievers that have been experiencing itching and hotspots. The vet put them on Apoquel. The very first thing I noticed was them becoming lethargic. So I cut them in half. But the itching hasn’t stopped. It’s probably fair to say that I did not give that drug a good chance but after reading your article I have decided I don’t want anything to do with that medicine. I know that living in Florida there are lots of allergens most of the time. I do think we have more weeds since hurricane Michael went through. So I still feel the source of the itching is from the weeds that I am fighting. I have been treating the yard for fleas and spraying the weeds to get this under control. I will start them on Fish oil. It does seem to get better in the winter. But we have summer down here at least eight months out of the year. I will definitely try some of the remedies that you have mentioned in your article. Thank you so much for this information and I am optimistically looking forward to good results.
I put my dogs on Apoquel this year. I am 70 on fixed income but they come first! I got a part time job. It ishelping my 92 lb Bernese mix but has stopped on my pug/shitsu mix. I give them very good food, no fleas in the yard, Change my filters monthly. Gave baths with oatmeal shampoo. I am concerned about cancer in my Benderse!
I don’t know what else to do for them but want them off the Apoquel. It kills me to see them suffer! Is it safe to take them off cold turkey?
Thank you!!!
I came to this article hoping to find some alternatives to Apoquel, like the title suggested. Instead I find a list of things we’ve already done years ago. The vets have all assured me we will never find the cause of my dogs allergies. He’s already been on prednisone, which worked the best, then we tried cytopoint; which did absolutely nothing, and now Apoquel, which helps some but not really. I guess it’s back to prednisone if the vet will give it to him again. He was taken off it because of side effects that could happen with long term use. But I can’t afford Apoquel anymore, and it doesn’t help much at all anyway. To me the dogs quality of life is at stake.
My mini dachshund has been battling food intolerances for 6 years. With the help of a dermatologist vet we tried the elimination diet, it worked, but people giving table ‘treats’ and trying to reintroduce previous proteins to see what was triggering her has been a total disaster. If you are lucky enough to find a novel protein which doesn’t give an allergic reaction please DO NOT try your dog on ANYTHING else they have previously eaten because that’s how we have now run out of novel proteins to try. Also, you state to introduce the new diet slowly into the existing food but in our experience, that is also a resounding no. When I have a novel protein, she could have none of her previous food with it because her body would then trigger with the new protein. This is why I said do not reintroduce foods. Seriously, after 6 years of battling this, I wish I’d cared less about narrowing down what it was that set her off because she is now triggered by everything on the market, even specialist hypoallergenic foods. And what does it matter if you don’t know exactly if the new food doesn’t trigger a reaction? The only novel protein I haven’t tried is crocodile and that’s because I can’t get it here in the UK but I have been through all other proteins with her raw diet (the usual domestic farm animals but also ox, kangaroo, ostrich, wood pigeon, quail, literally everything available through raw dog meat suppliers).
Do you have a recommendation of where to buy the yucca and quercetin please?
Thank you.
Thank you so much for the article just reading it we have good ideas to find the cause of our dogs allergies thank you so much and also good ideas of how to treat the symptoms without apoquel thank you so much
Our 5 year old pet Bullador has itchiness and allergies throughout the year. Thats how it started at 5-6 months of age. Gradually increasing. He would often get given antibiotics for the infection and sterods. He was on majority raw diet and some kibble. After doing the food elimination we suspected it was the chicken or lamb causing it. Switched to Vet diet. WHile it seemed to help However the itchiness would be there though not as bad as before. Finally he is now on CYTOPOINT the last 1 year . It lasts for 6-7 weeks but then he needs to have that shot again. No sideeffects yet. We suspect it is a combination of food and allergens causing his issues or it could just be that his skin barrier is weak (Atopy) and may never be treatable. However we have been advised that resistance may develop towards Cytopoint.
Appreciate the information on Aoquel for 1 1/2 because of scooting/anal glands. Using 8mg once a day which seems to help. She is a 10/11 year old red heeler (supposedly) we adopted 2 years ago and know nothing about her past. Am concerned about these side effects especially since she has put on a lot of weight since her adoption. She is not an active dog but follows me around everywhere so if I’m moving around a lot, then she is also. Noticed all the posts are for allergies and itchy skin. Suggestions for the scooping situation. Her groomer and vet both express her glands on visits. Have read pros and cons pm this also.
In June my gsd put her head in a wasp nest and got stung several times on the face. Since then her face has been really itchy and the skin is thickened. She had apoquel for several weeks which totally fixed the problem with no visible side effects. I wasn’t happy with giving it to her so I stopped and the itching has returned. Any suggestions? So I know the cause but don’t know what to do.
I would try hoemoepathic Ledum or Apis 30C. Homeopathy works wonders for pets.
What would the dosage be? My dog is 13 and is a pit terrier lab mix and weighs 65 pounds. Thanks.
Is this safe, may I ask what this is? Please
Thank you so very very much.
I have a now 10 year old Field Lab who has suffered from extreme itchy for years. I too put him on Apoquel a few years ago and found that it indeed stopped the issue. It however is very expensive and as it turns out at least in my case seems to introduce cancerous lesions. I’ve had many dogs over the years including Labs. This guy is the only one so itchy and the only one I’ve used this drug on. About a year into Apoquel we found a 50 cent piece size soft red bump on his side. LIke many Labs he also has had fatty cysts of the same size as he got older. None of these ever concerned a Vet. This red one with no hair on it did. After a couple opinions we had it removed with surgery. This was a massive wound with about 8 inches of stitches that took us 3 months to heal. I’ve had him off Apoquel for about a year. He’s itchy as ever but no more lesions. I use medicated shampoo’s on him and feed him good food. I’m kind of at the end of my rope and he’s quickly aging so I don’t expect to make many more changes but still hold out hope for some relief that isn’t a pharmaceutical.
I read on Google that a new chew works as well as Apoquel, it’s called PETLAB.CO , do you believe this to be true? It is also 1/2 the price and a vet is not needed. Looks like the ingredients are safe and natural also. Please, let me know what you think so l can replace the Apoquel. My dog had tests done and he is fine except his electrolyte s ( sp)? .My vet said he needs to drink more water, which is true. Thank you so much, please answer back! Betty Jo A.
It’s hard to say with these products. Advertisements look amazing, but until you try you won’t know. There are quite a few problematic ingredients in that product, including wheat, corn, GMO soy – none of them are good for dogs in any shape or form. The best medcine is real whole food and that is raw food for dogs.
I am so glad I found this page I am actually making my self depressed with worry due to my Miniture Schnauzer Eddie’s itching problem. I took him to the vet and they prescribed apoquel and it worked almost instantly. I then decided to do a bit of research regarding the the drug online and was horrified so I took him off it immediately!! I am very passionate about making sure my two dogs only eat products that do not have wheat and grains in. They are currently on Forthglade wet food with no kibbles which is very high meat content (Im hoping its not the food). I am replying because the previous post mentioned Petlab.co. chews. Eddie has been taking them diligently for over a month now and there has been no change at all. There are many good reviews regarding their products and I thought I would give it a go, this post is not intended to criticise Petlab.co.at all in fact I contacted them only yesterday to inform them that the product had not made any difference to my dog and to be fair they have offered to give me a full refund for the chews. I can’t fault how quickly and professionally they have been. I think it was just a case of you win some you lose some and in Eddies case they just didn’t work. My question to Ultimate Dog is, what are your feelings regarding Homeopathy? There is a product called Ditch the Itch which are homeopathic tablets. I am so desperate to find a solution for Eddie he is so down and depressed looking. This morning I awoke to find he had itched his tail so much it was bald and red raw. I appreciate that the key to the cure is to eliminate the cause but how long does he need to go on suffering to find the solution? Im so thankful that you have given me a few more options to try.
Hi Christine,
Thank you for your comment. I believe homeopathy could be a lifesaver, but I would suggest working with a local homeopathic vet, if possible, and finding the correct remedy for Eddie specifically. Homeopathy is highly individualized medicine and very often one size does not fit all, as is often the case with many commercial homeopathic products, which makes people think that homeopathy does not work.
To find a vet go here: https://theavh.org
I think Omega 3 fish oil is great, but I don’t know how many mgs. to give 15 pound dog?
Does anyone reply here? I’ve seen Ycca & quercetin sold on Amazon
My Cockerpoo has been on Apoquel for more than a year and it worries me. Can I give fish oils and coconut oil together or has it got to be one or the other. He is about 12k.
Thank you.
Try one thing at a time, so that you know what works and will not overwhealm his system.
Just started my 10 year-old terrier on this med before reading all of this and am very concerned. I have him on a prescription food from our vet for his stomach and has done better but I know he has allergies and have tried many things. He has one dosage of Apoquel in him and he has not been biting at his feet. This year has been worse than ever. Just concerned I am not doing the right thing for him. He came from a bad and unhealthy environment and I have had him as a pup. Thank you for any information you might be able to add Thank you Kathy,
I would not do any special prescription food. There is no such thing as prescription food. Have you tried real raw food? That’s what dogs are designed to eat and most of the time it solves all their health issues.
Thank you for the info. As others have commented, we’ve tried all the alternatives already before we put Simba our 70kg (150lb?) Boerboel onto Apoquel. It was a big improvement on the steroid he’d been on for too long. Unfortunately we haven’t been able to reduce the initial loading dose of 4 tabs (the highest dose) for more than a few days. The cost has become ridiculous. Are there any generics coming out of India yet? That country has been a godsend regarding high priced cancer drugs, so I hope they help pet owners too!
Nope the active ingredient is very expensive, as it under patent protection so it could not be used legally, though it is available.The workings of apoquel are something else, somewhat scary. The question you need to ask what is causing these problems in the dogs to begin with. Can it by Glyphosates in everything we and our animals eat. Good luck in finding the proper solution for your pet.
Thanks so much for a great article… where can I purchase Yucca and Quercetin? How much would I give a 60 lb. dog?
My dog is very allergic to flea saliva! What is the best Remedy to help with this? He has been bitten by what I found 4 fleas and has been off the wall itching and scratching for a month now with no end In sight. I give him children’s liquid Benadryl but it doesn’t seem to help. He’s not sleeping nor eating and neither are we. Help!!
Monthly flea prevention ( FROM A VET) will save your dog and you a vet bill.
i was one of the first people whose dog was on apoquel. it was/is a miracle drug for a dog that had spent 6 or 8 years digging holes in himself due to allergies. otc does NOT work, at all. you can wash allergens off all you want, useless. realistically, you will need to chose between having a dog with little to no quality in life, to having one that does and may suffer side effects. my dog had no issues with it and when he was forced off of it because they could not get enough made due to how well it worked, his allergies were no worse than when he went on the drug. maybe they seem worse because you forget how awful they were. i never did. my dog never experienced any loss of energy or anything like that. i have never heard that from any of the people i know whose dogs have been on it. i suggest before you let your dog continue suffering from scratching themselves raw, you get poison ivy all over you body and do not treat it at all and then imagine living with that every day.
I totally agree with this! My dog had NO quality of life without it. I took seriously all of the side effects, but in the end it was an easy choice- I hate to say it but even if he lost a couple of years off his life, I’d rather his years here be happy ones.
well i guess it’s kind of like oxcycontin, trust the FDA and Perdue the developers of it. Vets prescribe apoquel because the time it may take to find the cause of the problem causes everyone anxiety, pet owner reacting to the vets suggestion which does not work. It’s very complicated – maybe someone should analyze to find the cause but again why do that it’s not profitable. Same with the OXY, look at all the jobs and money it created – humanity at it’s finest. v
I see no DVM by her name so take ALL of this information with a grain of salt. If you want to rule out allergies take your pet to a DERMATOLOGIST. This is the next best option if you’re absolutely unsure of using apoquel( I personally love the med and have seen pets in it long term at most effective dosing – give less over a period of time). Stop googling please cause then you come across pages like this telling you not to put your money in “ this” but here’s MY product you can by instead with absolutely no evidence. If it was that easy, veterinarians and veterinary schools would be out of business.
Hi Jane,
I believe people are ‘googling’ for information because they do not want yet another prescription from a DVM. Giving drugs to dogs is the easy part, finding real solutions to their health problems is not easy. We share honest and well researched information on prescription drug effects and do our absolute best to share evidence-based information on how to help our dogs heal without medication.
You post this as 5 alternatives to Aboquel and all I mostly saw was an article that trashed Aboquel. Next time I think it would be better to title your article better. It is irritating when you think you are going to read one thing and get hit with another.
Hi Tina,
We do offer 5 alternatives to Apoquel in this article. The alternatives are not other drugs, but actual suggestions that could be used to get to the root cause of the allergies, so that we no longer have to drug our dogs. I do not believe the article title is misleading.
Hello Tina, have you ever read the white paper on Apoquel you will know why it’s a scary product. Do you honestly think that all these dogs suffering with pruritus is normal. Do you think pharmaceuticals want to find the cause, why would they. Losing all those profits for vets pharmaceuticals etc. Wait until they tell you that your dog needs to have covid shot. Time to see the real picture here.
My dog was prescribed for 2nd time with Apoquel, yes is expensive, but the side effects, I don’t want this for my doggy at all. What do you recommend for a Doxie, he’s 9yrs 16pounds 😩 about quercetin, yucca or other?? Please i have to help him🙏🏼❤️
Please consider changing his food, as all conditions come from the gut health and if that is not in order, drugs will only make it worse. Supplements will help, but will not resolve the issue.
I adopted an 8 year old American Bulldog mix. At the time of her adoption she had no fur whatsoever on her underside. She had thick leathery, smelly skin on her neck and chest. Her skin was red, inflamed and itched constantly. The shelter where I got her had put her on Science diet Z/D food, which I continued at almost $100.00 per 25 pound bag, for a few months. It made absolutely no improvement in her skin condition. I switched foods, used antihistamines, probiotics, raw diet, every lotion , shampoo, powder, salve that remotely claimed to help itchy skin. Nothing worked. I had her allergy tested and the results came back with a long list of allergic reactions. I eliminated everything that I possibly could to no avail. Last resort? Apoquel. The itching stopped in about 2 days. The inflammation and redness was gone in less than a week. She no longer smells as bad. She is so much less miserable than before.
Yes, I understand the side effects of the drug. Yes, she does get an ear infection every few months. But, will I stop giving it to her just for her to return to a life of misery? No, I wont.
Hello Jae, it’s too bad we can’t post pictures. i raise, and breed Frenchies, i would show you a photo of a puppy with blisters, no hair on his whole underside and smelling the same – within a few days all began to come back to normal blisters subsiding, hair began to grow in 1 week and full recovery within a few months all hair scars on his legs all gone, fur fully restaured. OH! and no apoquel 🙂
Hi Sara, the bit I am unsure about is that your response to almost all the questions here is to suggest changing the dog’s diet. However in your article, you correctly mention that only a small percentage of dogs suffer from food allergies…..85-90% of allergies are not caused by food.
My 7 year old English cocker spaniel has been on a single protein raw diet for 3 years now, and yet his alopecia is worsening. His shedding and bald patches are becoming alarming. He used to be supermodel drop-dead-gorgeous!
I started Apoquel 2 weeks ago, but am very reluctant to continue. It stopped his itch but has done nothing for his hair loss. In fact I think the hair loss has increased.
Prior to starting Apoquel, I had implemented all 5 of your suggestions…
Fortunately he does not seem to be distressed (I am the one suffering 🙂 and picking up hairballs every second, it’s a fulltime job!)- my heart breaks for all those dogs and owners who are suffering.
My question actually is- how common is alopecia without itchiness and scratching? It’s like the hair follicles do not grip the hair, so if he touches anything- a chair, a hairbrush, my hand- it just falls out in batches. But no obvious scratching or biting.
Hello my 22lb scottie lives in a place with deer, racoons, squirrels and possums. Also neighborhood cats which visit my porch. Fleas are everywhere so my vet had my little guy on a oral medication for years however a year ago he had a reaction to it. His skin turned black in places and the licking began on his feet. Medicated shampoo and aloe vera and time finally got him better then summer came and he spent time on porch with a flea infested cat so I put a topical flea drop down his spine and within a couple weeks he lost his fur first where I applied the drops and then it stripped him down to his paws. Thought he was never going to recover but in time his fur began to return. Now for fleas I no longer let him in yard. Lots of long walks and really sudz him up for five minutes with tear free baby shampoo. Wash his blankets and mine in scent free soap and use scent free dryer sheets. This actually made him dance for joy.
So what is your suggestion for severe dust mite allergy? I have already removed all of the carpet from the home, have dust mite covers on mattress and pillows, deep clean house and wash bedding & furniture covers every week, and have air purifiers in the home. He gets a bath with soap-free shampoo every week. Still itching and now covered in scabs. I’m sure that having three cats in the home does not help, but I am surely not getting rid of them. A Cytopoint injection helped for approximately two weeks.
I was watching a YouTube video. It was a woman in the veterinary field, she had a recipe for a daily spray. Just mix it up in the spray bottle and it helps the itching.
1/2 cup of ACV (Recommended Bragg’s) but it has to contain the “mother”
1/2 cup green tea (The darker the leaf the better) and finally
1 cup of distilled water.
I haven’t tried it yet, when I brewed my green tea it was a lot darker than hers so I thought I should get new first. Just something that is cheap enough and if it works Great!
Thanks for the informative article. Our Chesapeake/Lab has intense itching issues only during the summer months — well, really just August and early September in Colorado. It’s hard to fathom why food would cause this when he doesn’t have the issue the rest of the year. But he is so miserable when he has hit. He chews hair off all 4 of his paws and practically drives himself crazy trying to scratch the sides of his muzzle on any surface he can find. We have him using 24 mg. of Apoquel per day — he weighs in at 90+ lbs. — and this is just barely controlling the itching , but he already has some tumorous growths and we fear this is going to make those worse. Plus, it is so expensive!
This is our third year using the Apoquel. He only really needs it during the 1-1/2 months, but I really wish we could find a cheaper, safer, and more effective solution.
We will try some of the alternative remedies you have suggested and let you know how they work.
I was hoping for a substitute drug not other tests, do you know of different milder drugs available?
I would hesitate to recommend ANY essential oils for dogs, but in particular peppermint oil- it is highly toxic to dogs, sometimes just from them breathing it! It is irresponsible to recommend this without a disclaimer. PLEASE include a disclaimer, before people are poisoning dogs by putting peppermint oil on them. I appreciate your article, I came to read it for a reason, but pleaae look into this.
Trying to find an alternative is a minefield. I have tried many products and have still had to resort back to Apoquel and Malaseb baths every week, just so my poor 6 year old westie does not starting scratching and begin the process off again. We even had laser therapy after she had an operation for her cruciate ligament and while they were treating the operation area it worked with alleviating the scratching and it was clearing up, but after the therapy stopped the itching returned. Tried different diet and checking our surroundings for different types of plants that could trigger reactions.
I think by biggest beef is with pharmaceutical companies, whether it be human or animal its all about the money and greedy profiteering. Its not about the health and wellbeing of the animal, especially seeing as there are so many side effects that have not been addressed after all this time. They also know that most people will do anything for their beloved animal.
I find that I just have to keep looking for alternatives.
Hi, what recipe has worked to help with allergies in your dog?
My one-year-old Springerdoodle has started to scratch a lot. It is worse at night. I switched his food to Honest Kitchen freeze-dried raw. It hasn’t helped at all his first week. If anything it’s become worse at night. The weather this year is crazy. Freezing then very mild. The not-so-funny thing is, I’ve started to itch the last couple of months. My Dr. has put me on allergy medication. Any whoo!! My Vet is dead set against RAW…she freaks out if you even bring it up. Makes life difficult when the Vets can’t agree on what is best for a dog. My dog was on Apoquel it worked wonders. However, I don’t want him to depend on it. Trying different solutions. I haven’t given it to him now for weeks. He gets plenty of exercises he is pooped out at night. Recently, I sent in hair samples to the lab to try to determine food sensitivity for both dogs. I will wait to see what comes back. A lot of people on here dealing with this. I’ve had dogs my whole life and never had this issue. Our other dog has skin infections we are dealing with. She is improving, at 8 yrs old we have NEVER had any issues with her. We have spent over $1500 already treating her. WHAT IS GOING ON!!
Conventional vets are trained by Pharma who owns the veterinarian schools they are brainwashed from the moment they enter. Its all about return on investment for Big Pharma $$$. The vaccine$ and poor food cause the allergies, then you are forced to get Apoquel $$$ which then causes cancer & you pay for those drugs. The dogs are setup from puppies for a lifetime of returning business. RAW food is always the best route & any holistic vet will tell you that. Its the closest to wild and dogs are carinvores. Kibble is processed and burnt which makes it carcinogenic. Conventional vets are told by their pharma gods that kibble is best because it keeps the dogs sick & returning for more profit. Couple that with the vaccines…….
Hi There,
My pug has bad environmental skin issues, at one point he lost all his hair underneath and was getting infections, He was on the predizone pills at first then Apoquel then I tried the Cytopoint and went back to the Apoquel. It works but I am looking for something natural and def. less expensive. I can not afford 195 dollars every 40 days. My dog is my world and I want him happy but healthy. What would you recommend? Also i know my vet is not going to be happy, so how do i get him off the Apoquel? Also instead of the flea tick and heartworm meds. what would you recommend that is natural??
Thank you so much in advance!
HELP!!! Our rescue (GS/SH rescued at 4 months old) has atoptic allergies, nothing has given her much relief, she’s chewed/ licked herself raw and hairless. Vet tried Apoquel tabs from 6 months to 9 months of age, she’s now one year old. Cyto injections last 3 weeks with some relief during that time. Pretty sure dust mites, molds and grass are her nemesis as well as foods. With raw chicken( used hearts as pill pockets) she started shaking her head and scratching her ears.
It is a frustrating time when we are unable to treat our pups so they are free from harm & distress. We ALL want the absolute best for our furry four legged friends. Our yellow female lab (6yrs old) has developed some allergy/itching but more around her female genitalia than anywhere else. We have tried different special diets, hypoallergenic shampoos, etc… but only apoquel seems to do the trick of stopping her from licking, biting and chewing in that area. The vet doesn’t seem very interested in figuring out the cause’ but only wanting to prescribe the med. Does anyone have any suggestions for us to try? Is there a topical cream maybe?
I have a border collie mix from the pound. After 3 years I successfully stopped her food sensitivity by feeding homemade raw meat and veggies and fruit with cooked fish . However her environmental allergies turn her into a mess. We use apoquel successfully with low dose a couple times a week in spring and fall. Washing her feet, supplements, zyrtec, only work at the beginning of her itchy seasons. I’m thankful our vet also is wary of the apoquel and monitors our dog closely. We can all live like normal using apoquel this way.
Best article i have read and the key point in this article is to find the problem and don’t mask it. Not finding the problem only creates other issues. I think if anyone read and understood the whitepaper on apoquel, they would never use it on their pet. Bottom line, it takes time and patience to solve what is creating pruritus and dermatitis in your or any animal. Patience to all.
Lucy has been on Apoquel for the last 3-4 years. Is it safe for her to take her off Apoquel and try Benedryl after this long? She does not scratch and shows no side effects but I worry that it is hurting her inside now…she is 10 years old. Thanks!!
This contains some false information mainly about the patent dates for apoquel by zoetic. Apoquel was set to expire ’06 of 2019, and they got a 3.1 year extension. (1140 days) The patent for apoquel expired in November of 2022.
This is public information you can look up at the US patent and trade office gov website. There are currently no generics on the market. They’re probably will be within the next year, generics generally take 6 months to a year and a half to go through the FDA approval process once a patent has expired. As I write this it is mid March 2023, so that process is almost 6 months underway already.
I’m so happy to have found this article. My dog has been on Apoquel and Cytopoint for years. Now that I finally know the side effects I’m doing everything I can to keep him off of them. My vet cares ONLY about money and not the health of my dog. They’ve even suggested that he get BOTH Apoquel and Cytopoint every month! My response was that I want him on fewer medications, not more. They didn’t like that. Dogs need 1 rabies shot for their entire life and the system has become a lying, money making scheme, forcing us to put this poison in our loved ones on a yearly basis. It’s the law. I’m at my wits end and will do everything in my power to help him and stay out of the vet’s office. These meds cause cancer and these “healers” know it! If they cured our animals, they’d lose a customer. They keep them just sick enough to keep coming back. When Cytopoint first came out, they were only allowed to give it 2x a year. Now suddenly it’s ok to give it monthly? What changed? Did the medicine change or did the lie change? I no longer trust any medical professional – human or otherwise.
I have a a 2 year old co-sheltie, she has been battling inflammation around her eyes since six moths old. I have spent a significant amount of money for tests, vet visits ,now a canine dermatologist. I would go the extra mile for this dog, as I am sure everyone on this post would. I have tried every conceivable treatment to include, coconut oil, shea butter,topical ointments, prescribed and over the counter, salmon oil, probiotic chews, medicated shampoos. We had an elimination diet, then finally I gave her the appoquel. It seemed to work. I was told it would only be for a few weeks, then they wanted to refill the script, and I guess make her a lifer on this. It is a catch 22..you do not want to see your pet suffer, but on the other hand you know you are poisoning them. It is giving relief, but not eliminating the root cause. I had an ointment recommended to me, it is called corona. It is difficult for me apply, because her inflammation is around her eyes. Perhaps this might help someone on this blog. I suggested a raw diet, and it was shot down immediately ! The pet store personnel swear by it, or is it just for sales? I am at my wits end. I even ordered the chirp that is on this blog. Has anyone used it? Does anyone have the same problem with the ocular area?
Chlorine Dioxide Solution. Andreas Kalcker Forbidden Health – Incurable Was Yesterday. Remove the cause restore the health. Inexpensive, simple and restores/reverses because it removes the problem (cause) in both animals and humans. Only when you learn for yourself do you know the truth. Safely used for many decades. The author healed himself and his dog!
It is sad that apoquel is so expensive but you offer an alternative that is even more expensive. I was going to try it unfortunately at $10 an ounce I cannot.
This is not an alternative to Apoquel – as it is not a drug that will suppress the immune system and eventualy leave your dog is worse health. CHIRP is designed to heal the gut and help eliminate allergies all together, so that you wouldn’t need any drugs to keep them comfortable.
I am interested in you mentioning Yucca. In what form is this given to dogs?
Hi Ann,
Thank you for reading and your question. We have a great post on yucca here that might give you some answers.