Ultimate Dog

Can dogs eat garlic?

Can Dogs Eat Garlic? Everything You Need to Know

It’s not uncommon to find contradictions when searching for canine health advice. But nowhere do these contradictions run deeper than with the question, “Can dogs eat garlic?” It’s not just the internet that’s divided on this question, either. Take a look at published, peer-reviewed scientific studies, and you’ll find just as many that caution against

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parvo in dogs

Treating Parvo at Home: Is It Possible? 

There are many controversial topics in the dog world, but perhaps none so emotionally charged as the ones relating to vaccines and the diseases they’re supposed to protect from. One of them is canine parvovirus, which poses a huge threat to puppies.

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Dog recall training

Dog Recall Training 101: 6 Steps to Perfection

A strong recall can be the difference between a happy dog who has free reign of the off-leash trail park and a dog ever confined to a leash, at least until they escape that leash and take off without ever looking back.
This is why I implore all dog owners to teach their dogs a recall command before ever dabbling in those more mundane obedience exercises.

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