Ultimate Dog

By Luna Lupus - Reading Time: 7 minutes
CBD for dog aggression

CBD Oil for Dog Aggression: Why and How It Works

CBD for dogs with aggression might be an unexpected remedy for a behavior problem that has plagued countless dogs (and their owners) over the past decades. Statistics show an increase in bite-related hospitalizations, even fatalities.

Being the owner of an aggressive dog is a very stressful experience because of the ever-present, lingering fear that your dog might seriously hurt another person or another dog. This, of course, does not mean that you love your dog any less. You want to help him become a safer member of society and gain a calmer state of mind.

As CBD oil is rising in popularity and taking the world by storm, the pet industry is welcoming a variety of CBD-based products on the market. Many dog owners are now wondering if this is just another hype or something that could actually help their sick, anxious, and aggressive dog. Can CBD truly be helpful for canine aggression? 

Aggression in Dogs

How are fear and aggression connected?

Aggression is a strong violent reaction to a perceived external threat. Just like humans, dogs have three natural fear responses: fight, flight, and freeze. Aggression is a manifestation of the fight response. This is how we know that all aggression is essentially born out of fear.

There are many different threats a dog can perceive, such as other dogs, competitors, intruders, etc. Fearful and aggressive dogs cannot discern between an actual threat and a perceived threat. This is why many aggressive dogs are called unpredictable, as their owners struggle to understand their triggers.

Studies have shown that the majority of dog bites happen at home, where one would expect dogs to feel safe. Over half of all people who get bitten are children. Dogs with aggression are suffering from internal fear and opting for the fight response, ultimately making them very challenging to live with.

The idea of a supplement that could help these dogs feel calmer in their environment, not to mention in the world at large, comes as a saving grace to many dog owners who are struggling with fear in their own homes. Thankfully, more and more connections have been made between CBD oil and the improved moods of anxious dogs, giving hope to many owners that their aggressive dogs can be helped after all. 

CBD Oil for Dogs 

What is CBD? Can a dog get high?

CBD stands for cannabidiol and it comes from the cannabis plant. It can be used as an ingredient in a variety of products, such as edibles, ointments, tinctures, and oils. The CBD in these products is primarily derived from hemp (not marijuana), meaning it contains little to no THC and therefore does not have any psychoactive consequences. Your dog will not get high from CBD. 

How does CBD work?

All mammals have a natural endocannabinoid system, known as the ECS. This is a system that regulates many functions in our body, most notable ones being sleep, inflammation, pain, memory, and moods. The way CBD works is by stimulating the ECS receptors, therefore impacting all functions regulated by this system.

Dogs with anxiety and aggression notably suffer from imbalanced moods, sometimes even as a result of physical pain or sickness. Since CBD oil impacts exactly the receptors that regulate moods and pain, it could ease several of these symptoms at once, resulting in a more balanced system and a calmer dog. 

CBD Oil and Canine Aggression

Is there proof that CBD can help dogs with fear aggression?

Most of the feedback on successful CBD help for aggressive dogs has come directly from the owners that have reported seeing changes in their dogs’ state of mind. CBD oil can be used as a regular treatment or as extra help on special occasions, such as the New Year’s Eve fireworks, welcoming a new family member, taking a trip to the vet, etc.

Take Barnaby, for example. A 15-year-old dog who has become reactive and fear aggressive as a result of old age. It only took a week of taking CBD for his owners to already notice a change in his mood, which made it easier to work on his behaviors. Stories like these are an inspiration to struggling owners, but they can also be an encouragement to those who work in rescue and daily encounter anxious and aggressive dogs.

One foster dog mom has noticed how much calmer her PTSD fosters are, after giving them CBD treats. She notes that the visible shift in their mood opened the doors to easier socialization and further behavior modification.

While there is much research still to be done on this topic specifically (the first veterinary studies have mainly been focusing on the physical ailments), there are two notable studies that give us a good insight into the value of CBD for aggression in dogs.

In the first study, researchers studied mice who exhibited territorial aggression and found that CBD reduced their aggressive reactions and behaviors. In the cases where aggressive attacks still happened, they were much shorter in duration.

The second study exposed rats to a snake, their predator, with the intent to observe the panic-induced reactions. When faced with the threat, the rats dosed with CBD had significantly diminished fear responses. In both cases, the researchers concluded that CBD could help prevent or reduce fear-born behaviors, such as panic and aggression.

While the research on this topic is still at the beginning, it is evident that the starting point is already more than promising, indicating that there is massive potential for helping fear aggressive dogs with CBD.

Are there any dangers to using CBD for dogs with aggression?

While CBD is generally considered safe, there are still some things you should keep in mind before giving it to your anxious and aggressive dog. Always consult your holistic vet before making any significant changes in your dog’s diet, which includes adding a supplement such as CBD. It is also important to find a good product of high quality, so please do your research before deciding on a final purchase.

The most important thing with CBD is the dosage, which is why you should always carefully read and follow the instructions of the manufacturer. Some possible side effects may include lower blood pressure, drowsiness, and an increased notion of thirst. If you notice any of these symptoms, be sure to check-in with your vet and readjust the dosage.

Finally, it is crucial to understand that CBD can help dogs with anxiety and aggression, but it cannot cure them or take away the cause. It is a very valuable asset for managing aggression in dogs but should not be considered a replacement for consistent training. 

Final Thoughts

Fear is always present in the life of aggressive dogs. It controls their responses, putting their owners in a state of anxiety as well. Many owners are now finding comfort in recognizing the value of CBD oil for dogs with fear and aggression. It can be used alongside their regular training and rehabilitation. CBD oil stimulates the natural system that regulates the dog’s moods, resulting in a calmer dog with a more relaxed state of mind.

While there is still much research to be done, the first studies have been very promising. They indicate that there is an optimistic future ahead for dogs with aggression. This comes as a relief to the owners who are walking this challenging path with them every single day. Since living with an anxious dog often feels like a dead-end street, there is strong hope in knowing the promising effects of CBD for dogs with aggression. 


Kriss, Randa. “CBD Oil for Dogs: What You Need to Know.” American Kennel Club, 05/02/2019. 

Gottfried, Roman. “Can CBD Hemp Oil Help Dogs with Anxiety and Reactivity?” Holistic Dog Training, 04/03/2019.

Hartmann, Alice. Lisboa, Sabrina Francesca. Buzolin Sonego, Andreza. Coutinho, Débora. Villela Gomes, Felipe. Silveira Guimarães, Francisco. “Cannabidiol attenuates aggressive behavior induced by social isolation in mice: Involvement of 5-HT1A and CB1 receptors.” Science Direct, 02/05/2019. 

Sparwasser, Max. “Dog Bite Statistics: By Breed, Demographics and Location.” Max Sparwasser Law Firm, LLC. 2019. 

Saling, Carl. “CBD Product: Success Stories of Owners Who Have Used CBD Products.” Purity Petibles, 10/07/2017. 

De Mello Schier, Alexandre Rafael. Pinho de Oliveira Ribeiro, Natalia. Cardoso de Oliveira e Silva, Adriana. Cecílio Hallak, Jaime Eduardo. S. Crippa, José Alexandre. E. Nardi, Antonio. Waldo Zuardi, Antonio. “Cannabidiol, a Cannabis sativa constituent, as an anxiolytic drug.” Brazilian Journal for Psychiatry, June 2012. 

Luna’s passion for learning about canine psychology and behavior began when she adopted a severely reactive puppy from a local shelter. She is now a big advocate for positive reinforcement and compassionate training. As a writer, she strives to spotlight the topics that fly under the radar and be the voice for all who cannot speak for themselves. 

11 thoughts on “CBD Oil for Dog Aggression: Why and How It Works”

  1. We are considering CBD treats to calm our overly aggressive Boxer-Pitbull Mix. He is not quite 1 years old. We noticed the majority of the aggression towards others with food/food related times. Also he is aggressive with our cats we have had for many years. He doesn’t bite them, but from a laying down position on the bed he will take off like a bolt of lightning and chase one of them. The author is correct, this is very stressful on the entire family. He WILL NOT allow his nails to be trimmed at all. I’m hoping this will help along with gentle training.

    1. Hi Linda, I have a few extra tips for you!

      1 – We have an article on how to deal with food aggression. You may find it helpful: https://blog.ultimatedog.com/resource-guarding-how-to-safely-handle-possessive-aggression-in-dogs/

      2 – I also have a pup that refuses to have his nails trimmed (due to a bad experience and later an accident involving his nails). We’ve switched to a scratch board and I’m super happy with it! They’re very easy to make – it’s literally just sandpaper glued to a board. Make sure you pick rough sand paper!

      I’m attaching a video tutorial on how to teach your dog to use the scratch board. He won’t know that he’s filing his nails, to him it’s just a really fun trick AND a way to get some of the pent-up energy out! 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8i1m-qoKy0

      3 – Regarding cat aggression. To me it sounds more like prey instinct. Which is quite different from aggression (but it can get to that point if not managed). I recommend some activities where your dog could live out and satisfy this instinct! One of the best toys for that, in my opinion, is a flirt pole. It’s kind of like a cat toy but bigger. Here’s an example: https://www.amazon.com/Interactive-Durable-Outdoor-Exercise-Training/dp/B086L77P6B

      I made my own flirt pole from a shoelace and my dog’s favorite toy. She goes bananas for it! 10/10 recommend for prey instinct. 🙂

      Hopefully these tips are able to help you out. Definitely try CBD as well, it’s amazing!!!

      My very best,


      1. Hiya,
        Just read your article and I’m really at my wits end with my dog (almost 3) and his resource guarding behaviour. We have tried a balanced trainer (made him worse), we have continually tried with swapping which also does not work, we could literally be dangling steaks in front of him and will never take the swap, we can’t slip line him to move away gently as he lunges. Currently waiting on the vet recommending a behaviorist but I’m looking to see if we can help him with a more natural form of medication to try and reduce his anxiety which builds on while guarding in the hope that it will assist with trying the swapping training again. Is there any CBD products that can be recommended ? Thanks

        1. Hi Sharon!

          Have you seen our resource guarding article? You might find it helpful! https://blog.ultimatedog.com/resource-guarding-how-to-safely-handle-possessive-aggression-in-dogs/

          As for CBD products, I can’t really recommend any specific brands but I can advise that you purchase CBD oil that’s specifically made for pets and ideally has good product reviews! Alternatively, you can contact a holistic veterinarian in your area and they might be able to make a more specific recommendation. 🙂

          Wishing you the best of luck with your pup!


  2. Hi,
    I have a really hard problem to handle where my dog hates to have his leash put on,- he goes frantic and tries vigorously to bite me . He also escapes his leash, even one with a really good lock on the clip. All I can hope to do is to take him for a car ride in his crate and when we get home sneak my chance to put on his leash as he exits his crate.

    He is on prozac for his aggression towards those people he does not trust. I have been to behavior vet and this medication helps a lot, he has been a peach about being obedient when I take him out for pee walks, he does mind me rather well-but no leash.
    would giving him CBD be OK with his taking prozac?

    1. Hi Aisjah,

      CBD interacts with several medications, including antidepressants. So it generally wouldn’t be safe to add it to Prozac. I would consult a holistic veterinarian on whether it makes sense to swap Prozac for CBD.

      Source & more infomation on CBD interactions with antidepressants: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8298645/#Sec5title

      You might also find this article helpful on your journey with canine anxiety & aggression: https://blog.ultimatedog.com/dog-anxiety-the-brain-gut-connection/

      Best of luck,


  3. I have two dogs I rescued with traumatic pasts. They have recently been fighting with each other, and the attitudes associated with the fights lasts for days.
    I do not know which is the aggressor, as it seems at times they each are. I also am not recognizing a trigger all the time. Yesterday was the worst, and that was day too of this issue. There was no company, or anything out of the ordinary.
    They both do have some apparent anxiety on any given day.
    Is there a possibility of CBD helping this issue with two dogs in the same house? My third dog is never included or engaged; it is just these two.

    1. Hi Tammy,

      I am so sorry for the late response. In your case, there could be a variety of triggers and underlying causes. They’re hard for any dog owner to figure out on their own. Here are my suggestions on how to move forward with this issue:

      1.) You said the fighting has been recent and the attitude lasts for days. You’ll need a holistic veterinarian to do a pain + orthopedic assessment in both of your dogs. Dogs are extremely good at hiding pain and one of the big signs is unexplained aggression. So please rule this out first!

      2.) Possessive aggression. One of your dogs might be guarding something you’re not even aware of. Couch, toys, you as a person, their own bed, etc. We wrote more about this type of aggression here: https://blog.ultimatedog.com/resource-guarding-how-to-safely-handle-possessive-aggression-in-dogs/

      3.) If you can find a positive reinforcement (!!!) dog trainer to work with you one-on-one, that would be great. They will analyze your home environment, see your dogs’ body language around each other, and create a management + training plan. I recommend this option very, very much. Your dogs will hurt each other if the fighting is not managed soon.

      4.) Lowering their anxiety levels with natural aid is absolutely the right way to go. Yes to CBD! It’s great to use on both dogs. Another thing you might consider is their diet. More about anxiety + diet connection can be found here: https://blog.ultimatedog.com/dog-anxiety-the-brain-gut-connection/

      5.) Ensure they have enough personal space from each other, let them spend time apart. Buy two muzzles for emergency situations. NEVER leave them alone together in the same room, even if they have the best day in the world. When we don’t know the trigger, we have to assume anything can happen.

      I truly wish you all the best on this journey. I know it’s hard. </3

      – Luna

  4. I have a 2-1/2 male white boxer that has food aggression toward my senior dog and myself he has behavioral issues starts fight my senior dog for no reason why again we’ve tried everything. Our vet says go to a behavioral doctor well that cost money. I separate them when they eat. Boxer goes outside to eat and my senior stays inside. My senior dog we’ve had 7 yrs. Boxer since a pup. I’ve tried to find him another home but no wants him because
    of his issue. I don’t want to put him in a shelter he will die there bc of his anxiety issues as well. Please someone help

  5. So relieved to have found this article! We have an older dog (he’s over 10) with both pain and aggression issues. He’s snapped at or bitten several folks, from friends, to housemates, and his owner. He’s been on gabapentin and galliprant for pain but he is still biting when he is startled. Sometimes we can’t figure out what triggered him and we assume he still has pain issues. We are consulting with the vet to see if CBD will help and if we should use it with his meds or in place of them. Thanks for your article!

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