Ultimate Dog

Atopica for dogs

Atopica for Dogs: Pros, Cons, & Natural Alternatives

Ironically, many dogs suffer dermatological issues as a side effect of Atopica. These may be worse than the initial atopic dermatitis symptoms. Dermal side effects include excessive hair growth in concentrated areas, excess shedding, warts, excessively thick skin on the footpads, psoriasiform-lichenoid-like dermatitis, precancerous lesions, and lymphoplasmacytic dermatitis.

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Dog diarrhea treatments

Simple and Effective Home Treatments for Diarrhea in Dogs

The internet has a lot of contradicting suggestions on how to address diarrhea in dogs. The amount of information can be confusing and overwhelming, leaving you with more questions than answers. Should you switch your dog’s food? Should you give them chicken and rice? Hypoallergenic kibble? The problem of diarrhea is often layered, and so the solution must be layered as well. You need a plan. 

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Rawhide for dogs

Rawhide for Dogs: Understanding the Dangers and Exploring Alternatives

Rawhide treats are a byproduct of the leather industry. In the production of leather, the hide of an animal (mostly cow) is split into inner and outer layers. The outer skin layer is manufactured into leather, and the inner layer is left over. That leftover inner layer is then collected from tanneries and made into rawhide chews through a lengthy process that includes a lot of chemicals. 

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Yucca root for dogs

Yucca Root for Dogs: Benefits and Drawbacks

It’s a sad truth that most commercial dog foods only contain the bare minimum nutrition our dogs need to thrive. If your dog’s digestive tract isn’t working at 100%, there's a good chance they're missing out on valuable nutrients. Even if you feed a high-quality diet that has more of these nutrients to offer, digestive inflammation and malabsorption could be preventing your dog from reaping all the benefits.

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