Zenrelia for Dog Allergies: Yet Another Hazardous Drug
One of the biggest misconceptions about drugs like Apoquel and Zenrelia is that they treat allergies; they really don’t. What they actually do is suppress the symptoms by altering the proper functioning of the immune system.
Grain-Free Dog Food: Good or Bad?
Yes, dogs can eat grains. Thousands of years of evolving alongside humans have given dogs the unique ability to derive energy from starches like grains in a way that wild canids, like wolves and coyotes, cannot. Some breeds, like those descended from ancestors living in the breadbasket of civilization, are better at this than northern breeds that have historically eaten high meat and seafood diets.
Essential Oils for Dogs: Therapeutic Use, Safe Practice, and Scientific Insight
Do essential oils really have healing potential, or are they just a placebo? Are the oils harmful to dogs, or is there a safe way to use them? This article pulls back the curtain on how essential oils can be beneficial to dogs, the growing research behind them, and the safety considerations every dog owner needs to know.
12 Proven Ways Dogs Make Us Happier & Healthier
We’ve all heard the old adage that people who own dogs live longer than those who don’t, but is this true? As it turns out, researchers have spent a lot of time studying the effects of dog ownership on mental and physical well-being.
What they’ve discovered is that, indeed, living with a dog can have a profoundly positive effect on your overall health and happiness. So much so, in fact, that people who own dogs do tend to live longer on average than those who don’t.
Atopica for Dogs: Pros, Cons, & Natural Alternatives
Ironically, many dogs suffer dermatological issues as a side effect of Atopica. These may be worse than the initial atopic dermatitis symptoms. Dermal side effects include excessive hair growth in concentrated areas, excess shedding, warts, excessively thick skin on the footpads, psoriasiform-lichenoid-like dermatitis, precancerous lesions, and lymphoplasmacytic dermatitis.
Simple and Effective Home Treatments for Diarrhea in Dogs
The internet has a lot of contradicting suggestions on how to address diarrhea in dogs. The amount of information can be confusing and overwhelming, leaving you with more questions than answers. Should you switch your dog’s food? Should you give them chicken and rice? Hypoallergenic kibble? The problem of diarrhea is often layered, and so the solution must be layered as well. You need a plan.