Ultimate Dog

dog weight problems

Everything You Need to Know About Dog Obesity

Recent studies suggest that up to 59% of dogs are overweight, with 20% of those considered obese. If your dog falls into either of these categories, you shouldn’t wait to do something about it.

Overweight dogs are more likely to suffer from many diseases and don’t live nearly as long as their skinnier counterparts. Luckily, the road to a thinner—and healthier—pet is just a few steps away.

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fasting for dogs

Surprising Health Benefits of Fasting Your Dog

An incredible amount of research supports the benefits of fasting. Different types of fasting were studied in connection to various diseases, organs, and health outcomes. There is a red thread connecting all of this research, a common point where all the studies eventually meet: delaying the aging process.

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vitamins in dog food

Synthetic Vitamins in Dog Food: Friend or Foe?

If you’ve ever spent some time looking at the dog food nutrition label on your dog’s favorite kibble, you’ve no doubt noticed a long list of added nutrients near the bottom. This may have gotten you wondering why these vitamins and minerals have to be added to dog food.  More importantly, you may be wondering

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Prescription Dog Food

Are Prescription Diets for Dogs Worth the Money?

If prescription diets for dogs aren’t actually prescriptions, should you listen to your vet when they recommend them? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at veterinary diets to determine what about them is beneficial, what is dangerous, and how you can better support your ailing dog’s health through nutrition.

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