Connecting the Dots: The 6 Ways Dog Gut Health Relates to Allergy Epidemic
From pricey, hard-to-get medication to bank-breaking specialty diets, there are a lot of ways to deal with dog allergies these days. But what if I told you the only way to truly help your dog overcome allergy symptoms is by supporting a healthy gut biome? The best part is this can be done naturally without medication or high-priced veterinary diets.
Frontline for Dogs: Is It Really Safe and Effective?
Also worth noting, in many field-type studies, a number of participant dogs died due to tick-borne illness. This would indicate that Frontline is not completely effective in preventing tick bites, calling into question not just the safety of the product, but also its efficacy.
Piriton for Dogs: Uses, Risks, and Natural Alternatives
While this drug usually provided some relief to dogs suffering from allergies, the effects were always incomplete and short-lived. Once a dose was missed, the dog was back to scratching itself raw. Worse still, Piriton did nothing to address the cause of the allergies.
Dog Arthritis: How Science-Backed Natural Remedies Are Contesting Medication
Arthritis is a life-long condition that is mostly irreversible. It happens when the healthy structure of the joint begins to deteriorate, leading to severely impaired functioning. This deterioration is often a painless process until it’s too late. By the time any clinical signs of osteoarthritis are noticeable, the joint is already irreversibly damaged.
Everything You Need to Know About Dog Obesity
Recent studies suggest that up to 59% of dogs are overweight, with 20% of those considered obese. If your dog falls into either of these categories, you shouldn’t wait to do something about it.
Overweight dogs are more likely to suffer from many diseases and don’t live nearly as long as their skinnier counterparts. Luckily, the road to a thinner—and healthier—pet is just a few steps away.
Surprising Health Benefits of Fasting Your Dog
An incredible amount of research supports the benefits of fasting. Different types of fasting were studied in connection to various diseases, organs, and health outcomes. There is a red thread connecting all of this research, a common point where all the studies eventually meet: delaying the aging process.