Dog Eye Discharge: What You Should Know
Dog eye boogers are a fact of life. Just like humans, dogs’ eyes produce ocular discharge meant to help cleanse the eye of pathogens and foreign objects. This gunk can often build up in the corner of the eyes, especially after a long nap or a night of sleep. But not all dog eye boogers

Dog Heat Exhaustion: Keeping Dogs Cool in Summer
Being a life-threatening condition in which minutes make the difference between life and death, heat stroke is something every dog owner should worry about. It’s not just hot cars and abandoned dogs — every dog can overheat if we are not taking the right precautions.Â

The Complete Guide to Hot Spots on Dogs
The term hot spots covers multiple medical conditions, most commonly pyotraumatic dermatitis and acute moist dermatitis. Learn how to give relief to your pup.

How to Improve Your Dog’s Kibble Diet
The results showed dogs fed the standard diet had more yearly veterinarian visits on average, and their owners reported gastrointestinal, mobility, and behavioral issues at higher rates than owners feeding the alternative two diets. The most commonly reported health issue among the dogs in the study that were fed the commercial diet was gastrointestinal trouble, followed by problems with bones and muscles.Â

Seizures in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
One in every 125 dogs will have a seizure this year. What causes these seizures will vary from dog to dog, with some episodes signaling an emergency, such as poisoning or head trauma, and others seemingly happening without reason.

NexGard for Dogs: A Dangerous Gamble
NexGard for dogs is marketed as a monthly flea and tick prevention that comes in the form of a chewable treat. One would assume that a product put on the market with the intent to protect dogs would never harm them, but NexGard doesn’t quite fit that profile. Ever since it got approved for veterinary use, it has been catching heat from dog owners who have seen horrific adverse effects in their dogs — including death.