Ultimate Dog

Luna Lupus

Luna’s passion for learning about canine psychology and behavior began when she adopted a severely reactive puppy from a local shelter. She is now a big advocate for positive reinforcement and compassionate training. As a writer, she strives to spotlight the topics that fly under the radar and be the voice for all who cannot speak for themselves.

metronidazole for dogs

Metronidazole for Dogs Is a Toxic Health Hazard

It’s interesting that a drug NOT approved by the FDA for veterinary use is so widely prescribed in veterinary clinics. In North America, metronidazole is sold under the brand name Flagyl and is routinely used in veterinary medicine off-label. In Europe and the UK, one commercially available product is on the market for dogs & cats, sold under the name Metrobactin. It’s approved for use on pets with bacterial infections of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, mouth, and skin.

Metronidazole for Dogs Is a Toxic Health Hazard Read More »

dog arthritis

Dog Arthritis: How Science-Backed Natural Remedies Are Contesting Medication

Arthritis is a life-long condition that is mostly irreversible. It happens when the healthy structure of the joint begins to deteriorate, leading to severely impaired functioning. This deterioration is often a painless process until it’s too late. By the time any clinical signs of osteoarthritis are noticeable, the joint is already irreversibly damaged.

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kibble topper

How to Improve Your Dog’s Kibble Diet

The results showed dogs fed the standard diet had more yearly veterinarian visits on average, and their owners reported gastrointestinal, mobility, and behavioral issues at higher rates than owners feeding the alternative two diets. The most commonly reported health issue among the dogs in the study that were fed the commercial diet was gastrointestinal trouble, followed by problems with bones and muscles. 

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nexgard for dogs

NexGard for Dogs: A Dangerous Gamble

NexGard for dogs is marketed as a monthly flea and tick prevention that comes in the form of a chewable treat. One would assume that a product put on the market with the intent to protect dogs would never harm them, but NexGard doesn’t quite fit that profile. Ever since it got approved for veterinary use, it has been catching heat from dog owners who have seen horrific adverse effects in their dogs — including death.

NexGard for Dogs: A Dangerous Gamble Read More »

resource guarding

Resource Guarding: How to Safely Handle Possessive Aggression in Dogs 

Owners can unintentionally reinforce resource guarding by responding to it inappropriately or failing to recognize the warning signs before it’s too late. Resource guarding can be a scary and frustrating experience – thankfully, there are several ways you can safely handle and prevent it. 

Resource Guarding: How to Safely Handle Possessive Aggression in Dogs  Read More »

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